The Blue Cave or Modra Špilja is located on the Croatian Island of Bisevo and is one of the most extraordinary caves in the world because of the bright blue glowing phenomenon that happens there during a period of the day.

Bisevo Blue Cave – Photo by:

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Around noon, the sun’s rays penetrate through an underwater hole and reflect from the white limestone floor of the cave. The bright sun lights up the water, creating incredibly beautiful light effects and illuminating the whole cave in brilliant blue, while objects in the water shimmer silver.

Bisevo Blue Cave – Photo by:

Photo by: ivan.vins – Flickr
The only way to enter the Blue Cave was originally by diving a natural entrance below the sea level. But in 1884 an artificial tunnel was blasted out with dynamite to allow visitors to enter the cave by boat. However, that opening has no impact on the lighting in the cave.

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The cave itself is 24 meters long, 10–12 meters deep and up to 15 meters high. Its approach is possible only by small boat through a small natural opening of only 1.5 meters high and 2.5 meters wide.

Bisevo Blue Cave – Photo by:
Entering the dark cave in a small boat and swimming within its mysterious deep blue glow coming from below are exciting and unforgettable experiences for every visitor.

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Bisevo Blue Cave Map and location
To get there, take the ferry to Vis town departing from Split. At Vis, there is a bus to Komiza town, the closest place to the cove, about 40 min in a boat ride.